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Dialogue in the Dark

We are not unaware of the presence of blind people in our society. However, more often than not, we do not actually understand how they feel, and consequently, lack empathy for them.

This GATE elective, Dialogue in the Dark, allowed us to have a peek into the day to day challenges faced by the blind. By experiencing what they go through, such as navigation, we realized that deceptively simple day to day tasks are extremely challenging for the blind. Consequently, we now better understand their difficulties and are able to empathize more with them.

Beyond gaining a deeper understanding on the blind, we were also able to further bond with our peers. Throughout the session, we would help each other out, trusting each other as we moved along together. Being placed in such a situation built mutual trust amongst GATE members, furthering our friendships and forging new ones.

To sum up, the GATE elective, Dialogue in the Dark, was truly a meaningful experience, in terms of both empathizing with the blind and bonding with each other. It was also an extremely fun and engaging experience. I would definitely recommend this experience to others!

Hwa Chong Institution

Gifted and Talented Education Programme

661, Bukit Timah Road

Singapore 269734


© HCI GATE (Updated Jan 2015).

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